Sellit 2 ANAGRA


September 13th-21st

13th 6pm-


SellIt -セリ-





Hideyuki Katsumata
Yudai Nishi
Matsuzono Ryosuke
Takeru Iwazaki
Ryuhei Asano
Shogo Iwakiri
Saqui Hotate
Momiko Osawa
Ryohei Sasaki

ART作品を気軽に売買する文化が、今の日本には根付いていないと嘆いていてもしょうがない ANAGRAという場所を始めた際、作家側とギャラリー側の両方に立った作品の売り方というものがないものかと考えました

ANAGRAでは試行錯誤し、気に入った作品を気軽に買う事を提唱していますが 少しずつ売れてはきてはいるものの、まだまだ腰が重いのが現状です

そこで今回は作品の意味や価値を判定するステップを飛ばし、もっとシンプルに 「この作品はあなたにとっていくらの価値がありますか?」 「あなたの価値で値段を決めて下さい」 という入札方式を採用しました

最初から「ART作品なんて買えない」と諦めるのではなく 「もしかしたら自分の価値観でこの作品が手に入るかも?」というその気持ちを大事にしたいと思ったのです
新しい展示販売方法の提案と実験だと考えて下さい そしてその先を見据えて下さい

1 入札用紙をもらう
2 気に入った作品があったら必要事項と 自分がつける値段(価値)を書いて入札します
3 二枚綴りになっていますので一枚はアナグラにもう一枚は控えとしてお持ち下さい
4 最終日クロージングイベント内で落札者の発表をします
◉参加して頂いた方にはSellIt MagaZine(限定50部)を差し上げます
◉注意 ※最低落札価格は作家とANAGRAで決めています 最低落札価格は公表しませんが達成した作品には印がつきます その後、期間内の入札も可能です ※入札した金額で落札したものはキャンセルできません ゆっくりあなたにとっての価値を考えて入札して下さいね

We’ve selected from a large number of modern art works so that the viewer can fully enjoy and get a complete sense of Tokyo’s current art scene. The arrangement we’re proposing/suggesting is that artists that have shown in the past at our gallery could collaborate with American artists in an international, collaborative show. SellIt (sell it) is a way of selling artwork through auctioning, and therefore buyers have the chance to decide the value of the work themselves. There will be no price list.

The culture of buying and selling art freely hasn’t taken root in Japan, and grumbling about won’t change that. From the time I started Anagra, I realized there is a problem with the way artworks were being sold. The biggest problem is that most of the people that visit aren’t used to buying or appreciating visual art works. At Anagra we’ve been going with trial and error, and our policy is to simply buy works we like.

Although we have been making progress little by little, little isn’t enough. We’re now skipping the step of judging the work’s meaning and value and have implemented a more simple method of bidding, asking “What is the value of this work to you?” or “Please decide the price according to how much you think think it’s worth.” Instead of giving up from the start thinking “I certainly wouldn’t buy a work of art,” we want people to feel like “well, maybe I could get a work of art for what I think it’s worth.” The person that buys a work will probably be especially happy because they were following their own will from start to finish (doing what they wanted). Even if they don’t buy anything, it’s a big step, because that person will be that much closer to buying something next time. Think of it as a kind of experiment with new ways of buying and selling art, and with this, imagine the possibilities of the art market in the future.

It’s not a one-sided exhibition—we’re aiming for a model that finds answers for both collectors and artists and helps them grow together. Once we’ve accomplished that we believe that an independent Japanese scene can become a reality.

◉How to purchase a work of art
1. Collect bidding sheet
2. Fill in the required information and suggest a price for the artwork you’d like to purchase
3. Tear the bidding sheet along the dotted line. Give one side to Anagra and keep the other as your copy
4. The highest bidder’s name will be announced on the final day of the exhibition. If the highest bidder is not present on the final day, he/she will be contacted at a later date.

◉The total number of bids will be announced
◉The highest bidder’s name of the previous bid will be noted
◉Attention: The lowest acceptable bid is predetermined by the artist and ANAGRA. The value of the lowest acceptable bid will not be released, however, we will mark the artwork once it has received a successful bidding. Any number of bids is accepted during the time of the exhibition. We cannot void any successful bids, so please be careful upon placing a bid.!sellit-2/cbj0